Video index
1. Call to order the business meeting of the Bartlesville City Council by Mayor Curd.
4. Citizens to be heard.
5. City Council Announcements and Proclamations.
6. Authorities, Boards, Commissions and Committee Openings
7. Consent Docket
7.c.ii. Amending the budget of the City of Bartlesville for fiscal year 2024-2025 appropriating unanticipated revenue in the Restricted Revenues Fund for the use of grant funds from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program.
7.d.i. Citizenship Grant Contract between the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and the City of Bartlesville/Bartlesville Public Library in the amount of $14,000 to fund the salary of the Immigration/Citizenship Literacy Assistant.
7.d.v. Service Agreement with Up With Trees and the City of Bartlesville to work with Keep Bartlesville Beautiful to identify suitable planting locations, develop a planting plan, secure necessary permissions from ODOT, and once approved, handle all aspects of planting, including utility locates, procurement, planting and initial maintenance of the trees in the amount of $15,000 provided by Phillips 66 grant funds.
8. Public hearing and possible action on a request for a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Development Plan for 1.43 acres, zoned C-7 (Highway Commercial), at the northwest corner of Nowata Rd/US Hwy 60 and Madison Blvd. Presented by Larry Curtis, Director of Community Development.
9. Discuss and take possible action on utilization of the building at Centennial Park for a Start-Up Incubation Program to be managed by the Park Board. Presented by Larry Curtis, Director of Community Development.
10. Presentation on the long-term water supply options at Hulah Lake, Copan Lake, Ada-Vamoosa Aquifer and Kaw Lake. Presented by Terry Lauritsen, Director of Water Utilities.
11. Discuss and take possible action to approve a Resolution to amend the Unsheltered Homeless Task Force Resolution #3277, and to approve the appointment of the Task Force membership as presented in the proposed Resolution. Presented by Mike Bailey, City Manager.
13. City Manager and Staff Reports.
14. City Council Comments and Inquiries.
Jan 06, 2025 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to order the business meeting of the Bartlesville City Council by Mayor Curd.
4. Citizens to be heard.
5. City Council Announcements and Proclamations.
6. Authorities, Boards, Commissions and Committee Openings
7. Consent Docket
7.c.ii. Amending the budget of the City of Bartlesville for fiscal year 2024-2025 appropriating unanticipated revenue in the Restricted Revenues Fund for the use of grant funds from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program.
7.d.i. Citizenship Grant Contract between the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and the City of Bartlesville/Bartlesville Public Library in the amount of $14,000 to fund the salary of the Immigration/Citizenship Literacy Assistant.
7.d.v. Service Agreement with Up With Trees and the City of Bartlesville to work with Keep Bartlesville Beautiful to identify suitable planting locations, develop a planting plan, secure necessary permissions from ODOT, and once approved, handle all aspects of planting, including utility locates, procurement, planting and initial maintenance of the trees in the amount of $15,000 provided by Phillips 66 grant funds.
8. Public hearing and possible action on a request for a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Development Plan for 1.43 acres, zoned C-7 (Highway Commercial), at the northwest corner of Nowata Rd/US Hwy 60 and Madison Blvd. Presented by Larry Curtis, Director of Community Development.
9. Discuss and take possible action on utilization of the building at Centennial Park for a Start-Up Incubation Program to be managed by the Park Board. Presented by Larry Curtis, Director of Community Development.
10. Presentation on the long-term water supply options at Hulah Lake, Copan Lake, Ada-Vamoosa Aquifer and Kaw Lake. Presented by Terry Lauritsen, Director of Water Utilities.
11. Discuss and take possible action to approve a Resolution to amend the Unsheltered Homeless Task Force Resolution #3277, and to approve the appointment of the Task Force membership as presented in the proposed Resolution. Presented by Mike Bailey, City Manager.
13. City Manager and Staff Reports.
14. City Council Comments and Inquiries.
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